How and Where?
The New Farm building has gone through a redevelopment process that started in 2015. Originally the building was a telecommunications production facility from Philips. In the ’60s and ’70s Philips produces switch boards in this building. During the ‘90s the building was transformed into an office building. Currently the building is redeveloped into a hub for production companies under 3 central themes: food production, circularity and social innovation. The Greenhouse was originally designed as an aquaponics system that linked a Tilapia fish farm with the vegetable greenhouse on top of the building. Unfortunately the original company Urban Farmers went bankrupt in 2018 and the greenhouse has been empty ever since. The fish farm has been transformed into a food production floor with a coffee roaster, a beer brewer, a bakery and sausage poducter. The other 6 floors of the building have also been renovated in 4 stages over the past 3 years. Currently the 2nd and 3rd floor are under renovation.
The project consists in transforming an existing 1200 m2 rooftop greenhouse on top of a 6 story industrial building in the city centre of The Hague into a hybrid functional space where plants grow and people can gather for meetings and events and work in flexible office space.
Roderik Wuite, Project Director overseeing financial responsibilities. Representative of the shareholders who own the building (City of The Hague, FRED fund, Starterspanden).
Jaap van den Braak, Project Manager on implementation of the greenhouse project.
Corine Keus, Architect responsible for the design and build of the redevelopment of The New Farm.
Roderik Wuite, Project Director overseeing financial responsibilities. Representative of the shareholders who own the building (City of The Hague, FRED fund, Starterspanden)