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Circular Urban Farms Training

Grow the City training program, developed as part of the CUF Training project (funded by NWE Interreg), is an initiative aimed at promoting the transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy in North-West Europe.

What is Grow the City training? 

Grow the city is dedicated to empowering urban development stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills to embrace circular urban agriculture!

About the training :

  • Online learning modules on a diverse range of topics, covering a wide spectrum of sustainable agricultural practices : from hydroponics to bioponics and aquaponics, organic waste management, and circular urban farm design/construction

  • Hands-on training sessions in 4 partner countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and Germany.

  • Learning from experts in the field of urban agriculture and gaining insights and practical skills from professionals

  • Networking with peers

This combination ensures that you receive a well-rounded education that encompasses both theoretical knowledge and practical experience !

The goal of this training is to equip you with the skills to design, build, and manage your own circular urban farm, ready to thrive in the real world.

Who should attend ?

This training is open to anyone concerned about the design, the construction or the management of urban farms, as urban developpers, real estate, public authorities, municipalities, architects, engineers, constructors, urban farmers.


Practical information about the training 

  • 40 to 70 hours depending on your profile and needs

  • Self-guided modules (mooc) and quiz on each chapter

  • 3 online interactives sessions

  • Minimum 1 onsite session to choose between 4 rooftop urban farms : Luxembourg, Paris, Gembloux (Belgium) and Damendorf (Germany)

  • Certification assessments (not compulsory)

The trainers will teach in their own language : french, english or german. Subtitles will be available.​


First session from January or February to April 2025. 

Subsciption starting on November ! Join our Newsletter to keep updated !

This 2025 edition is free of charge thanks to Interreg NWE funds.

Our topics :

  • Business models: discover strategies that balance profitability with social and ecological targets, and learn from failures stories.

  • Eco-friendly construction: get an insight about the integration of greenhouses or other production infrastructures in urban buildings using recyclable and reusable materials following the cradle-to-cradle approach, and learn how to use the city to maximize agriculture: rainwater from rooftops, waste energy, etc.

  • Innovative growing systems: explore new systems as hydroponics, aquaponics, soil-based systems and Integrated Food and Energy Systems (IFES), that emphasize productivity and low environmental impact.

  • Circular principles: learn how to minimize waste, reduce energy inputs, and implement sustainable farming practices.

  • Energy & water management: learn the basics of efficient energy and water use and the underlying rules and principals of resource and food system design to enhance the farm's sustainability.

Our objectives :

Our project aims to achieve several key objectives:​​​

Partners of the program: 

This project gathers 7 partners, from 4 countries, bringing each specific expertise to meet the project's objectives: Groupe One and Uliege (Belgium), IFSB (Luxembourg), Astredhor & Gally (France), IFAS & EBF (Germany).

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Thank you !

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