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The first coaching sessions took place from 2019 to 2021 with 5 early adopters who could benefit from the expertise of our experts.

The second call  with 10 new projects selected, coached by Groof team of experts. 

All those  projects bring together different greenhouse techniques (hydroponic greenhouses, aquaponics, soil-based vegetable gardens, etc.) as well as different types of projects (educational, social, private, etc.) but all of them focus on ecology and the respect for environmental values.

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CALL 1 - 2019-2021

GROOF has launched an open call, offering the candidates a unique chance to receive a personal coaching from European rooftop greenhouse experts.

CALL 2 - 2021-2022

GROOF’s partners are European experts in construction, energy, horticultural production, and business who will support up to 10 building-integrated greenhouse projects through their design and delivery stages to improve their chances of success and CO2 reduction capacity.

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